Kitty Hawk

Hello Friends,

As many of my communications lately have been of the “sales pitch” sort, I wanted to take this opportunity to post a “personal” entry, something I haven’t done in a while.

We are here, hours away from the official launch of Fireflight, and you might think I’d be giddy and bouncing around, heart hammering in my chest. I would expect the same.

Instead I’m…reserved. Not unenthusiastic, no no. I’m completely brimming over with excitement, especially after getting my hands on the first ever physical copy of this tale in its final form.

That moment, earlier today, cemented it all. It’s the first time I have fully felt, in every part of myself, like an author, through and true. This digital age in which we were randomly selected to exist together makes some things incredibly easy, like book publishing, which is a great and necessary thing, but it unfortunately strips some of the tactile feel out of the process.

Up until today, the cover was just colored pixels on my screen. In creating the image, I was only manipulating one’s and zero’s, using my IT skills to fudge through software and getting a result I was happy with. Same with the manuscript…just pixels forming words on the screen, easily manipulated, or even wiped away.

Today, the firewing became real. I was Geppetto, staring down at his wooden creation come alive. (Hopefully the analogy ends there, and my creation doesn’t turn out to be a mischievous little troublemaker. Kidding.)

So, yes, I’ve had my slightly giddy moments today, showing off the copy to those around me. Ultimately, though, I’m calm. I feel an assurance, I suppose, something that could easily just be my imagination doing a number on my emotion receptors. Or not, who knows? Maybe this tale will be well received in the coming days/months/years, and the things I’m expressing will mean something more.

Why even talk about it? Well, if there’s one thing I’ve always promised you, dear readers (at least implicitly), it’s that I will forever express myself with honesty. At the moment, these are the marbles rattling around inside my head. Take it or leave it.

Ultimately, I think I feel this sense of calm because everything is now out of my hands, for better or worse. The copy is locked, the print edition is in good shape, and unless we experience a worldwide cataclysmic opening of the Doors tomorrow, you’ll have your copies ready to take you away.

I’m happy, my friends. No matter what eventually happens with this book, tomorrow I make my dream a reality. Here’s hoping you think it’s cool.

A Very Happy Reading


It’s Here

Hello All,


Just wanted to give a quick status on all things Fireflight.

  • Both the Kindle eBook and paperback formats are up and available for order as we speak. Click here to be taken to the Amazon page.
  • If you purchase the paperback edition, you can also get the eBook copy for $1.99.
  • The official release day is this Thursday, April 27th. Preordered Kindle copies will release to your device on this day.

Any other questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave them in the comments below.


The wait is almost over. Happy Reading!


And Now The Spark…


Readers. Friends. To all I hold dear…

The Time Has Come


 Fireflight, Book One of the EarthCrossing Series  Officially releases on Thursday, April 27th, 2017


Preorders are available now on Amazon

 If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the page dedicated to Fireflight, and as always, I welcome all your questions.

Truly, Happy Reading



The Fire Comes…

Salutations Dear Readers!

I wanted to give you a brief State of the Union on the goings-on in my little world.

Despite the universe trying to throw setbacks in my way, like germs and icy roads (more on this later), preparations for the release of Fireflight are coming along nicely, and the book will be available for sale soon.

As far as format is concerned, the eBook/Kindle edition will be available first, though I am going to be making print editions available, as well.

Also, I will likely be doing a signed-copy promotion, details to come.

If you have any questions in the meantime, comment below, or remember you can always reach me at


Happy Reading
